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Music and dictatorship in Europe and Latin America

Monografia moderna

Abstract:   In this book, edited by Roberto Illiano and Massimiliano Sala, twenty-four scholars investigate the relationship between music and dictatorship in twentieth-century Europe and Latin America. The music is explored as a political phenomenon in fifteen nations under totalitarian regimes: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, France, Greece, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Spain, and Hungary. Historical and aesthetical articles face both individual people (for instance, Chavez, Ligeti, Massarani or Villa-Lobos) as well whole generations of composers operating under dictatorship (for example, in the communist regimes of Poland and Serbia; in France under Vichy; in Franco's Spain, Salazar's Portugal, or in Revolutionary Cuba)

Posseduto da:   Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica "Francesco Venezze" di Rovigo

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