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Musica a stampa

Descrizione:  Alkan, Charles Henri Valentin. Douze études dans les tons mineurs : op.39 : Le festin d'Esope / Ch. V. Alkan. - Paris : Costallat, [19..]. 26 p. ; 34 cm.

Fa parte di:  Oeuvres Choisies

Codice record: LO11189540

Musica a stampa

Descrizione:  Alkan, Charles Henri Valentin. Oeuvres Choisies / Ch. V. Alkan ; revues par E.-M. Delaborde et I. Philipp. - Paris : Costallat & Cie, s.d. v. ; 34 cm..

Codice record: LO11189538

Musica a stampa

Descrizione:  Alkan, Charles Henri Valentin. Le Festin d'Ésope and other works for solo piano / Charles-Valentin Alkan ; selected and with introductory notes by Marc-André Hamelin. - Mineola, New York : Dover Publications, c1998. X, 223 p. ; 31 cm.

Codice record: TO01921308