Sistema Bibliotecario Provinciale di Rovigo
Raffina la ricerca - Hai eseguito la ricerca con i criteri: Autore/Autrice: "Lévi Sala, Luca"
Analitico di monografia
Descrizione: Lévi Sala, Luca. Cultural cleansing in Italian music criticism in the early 1930s: autarchy, eugenics and anti-semitism / Luca Lévi Sala. P. 21-53.
Fa parte di: Italian Jewish musicians and composers under Fascism : let our music be played
Codice record: SBN0083218
Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica "Francesco Venezze" di Rovigo
Descrizione: Lévi Sala, Luca. Pre-Fascist Ideology, Politics and the seizure of culture / Luca Lévi Sala. P. ix-xxx.
Fa parte di: Music and Institutions in Fascist Italy
Codice record: SBN0117517
Monografia moderna
Descrizione: Music and Institutions in Fascist Italy / edited by Roberto Illiano, Luca Lévi Sala. - Turnhout : Brepols, 2024. 415 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. ( Music, criticism & politics ; 10 )
Comprende: Fascism's influence on catholic faith sites : a case study of Aielli's church of Sant'Adolfo Musica internata : nuove acquisizioni biografiche sul compositore Isko Thaler nel carteggio con Joachim Stutschewsky Italian instrumental music as fascist propaganda in the United States during the Interwar period : the view from the ministero degli Affari Esteri and from the press Corporate state and musical organisation : the action of the Fascist syndicate of musicians in Apulia between bureaucracy and a search for consensus Educating and refining the pupils : music education and fascist culture (1921-1943) Pre-Fascist Ideology, Politics and the seizure of culture Le armi dello spirito : music in Mussolini's imperialist propaganda : competitions and awards in the Mid-1930s Music in the Luce films of the fascist Ventennio Che non sia tolto il pane al musicista italiano : propaganda e corporativismo del sindacato fascista dei musicisti a contatto con il cinema di regime The ambiguous reception of Alfredo Casella's music in Nazi Germany Primary sources for the history of fascist persecution against jewish musicians, composers, singers, and music critics The Teatro delle Novità and Mario Jacchia's La stella d'oriente Stile littorio as research between music and architecture : Goffredo Petrassi and Nino Rota Venetian musical institutions in the transition from fascism to the Republic Tuning in Radio fascism : censorship, race, and music in fascist propaganda
Codice record: ROV0009956
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