Sistema Bibliotecario Provinciale di Rovigo
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Descrizione: Lee, Sebastian 1805-1887. Book 2 : 40 melodic studies : for cello / Sebastian Lee. - New York : International Music Company ; © 1961. 23 p. ; 30 cm.
Fa parte di: 40 melodic studies : for cello
Codice record: CSA0176038
Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica "Francesco Venezze" di Rovigo
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Descrizione: Lee, Sebastian 1805-1887. 40 melodious and progressive studies for Violoncello opus 31 Heft 1. - Mainz : Schott, 1963. 23 p..
Fa parte di: 40 melodious and progressive studies for Violoncello opus 31
Codice record: ROV0005202
Descrizione: Lee, Sebastian 1805-1887. 40 melodious and progressive studies for Violoncello opus 31 Heft 2: nos. 23-40. - Mainz : Schott, 2015. 54 p..
Codice record: ROV0003482
Descrizione: Lee, Sebastian [1805-1887]. 12 melodische Etüden für Violoncello opus 113 / Sebastian Lee ; herausgegeben von Hugo Becker. - Mainz : Schott, 2013. 25 p. ; 31 cm.
Codice record: ROV0003483
Descrizione: Lee, Sebastian [1805-1887]. 40 melodious and progressive studies for Violoncello opus 31 / Sebastian Lee ; edited by Holger Best. - Mainz : Schott, 2015. v. ; 31 cm.
Comprende: Heft 2: nos. 23-40 Heft 1 - 40 melodious and progressive studies for Violoncello opus 31 / Sebastian Lee ; edited by Holger Best
Codice record: ROV0003479
Descrizione: Lee, Sebastian [1805-1887]. 40 melodic studies : for cello / Sebastian Lee ; edited by Hugo Becker, new edited by Leonard Rose. - New York : International Music Company ; © 1961. 2 v. ; 30 cm.
Comprende: Book 2 : 40 melodic studies : for cello Book 1 : 40 melodic studies : for cello
Codice record: CSA0176035
Descrizione: Lee, Sebastian [1805-1887]. Souvenir des Vêpres Siciliennes opéra de Verdi : cantilène pour violoncelle avec accomp.t de piano : Op. 79 / par Sebastian Lee. - Milan : Titus de J. Ricordi, [1857]. 2 parti (7, 3 p.) ; 35 cm.
Codice record: MUS0148452
STO MUS.FS.1968.8
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