Sistema Bibliotecario Provinciale di Rovigo
Raffina la ricerca - Hai eseguito la ricerca con i criteri: Autore/Autrice: "Redhouse, James William"
Monografia moderna
Descrizione: Redhouse, James William. Part 1. : English and Turkish. - London : Bernard Quaritch, 1856. XXVI, 427 p. ; 20 cm..
Fa parte di: An English and Turkish Dictionary : in two parts, English and Turkish and Turkish and English, in which the Turkish words are represented in the oriental character, as well as their correct pronunciation and accentuation shewn in English letters, on the plan adopted by the author in his "Vade-mecum of Ottoman colloquial language"
Codice record: NAP0538647
Biblioteca del Seminario Vescovile 'S. Pio X'
GEN.V.A 0301
Non ammesso al prestito
Descrizione: Redhouse, James William. Part 2. : Turkish and English. - London : Bernard Quaritch, 1857. P. 429-1149 ; 20 cm..
Codice record: NAP0538650
GEN.V.A 0301 int. 2
Descrizione: Redhouse, James William. An English and Turkish Dictionary : in two parts, English and Turkish and Turkish and English, in which the Turkish words are represented in the oriental character, as well as their correct pronunciation and accentuation shewn in English letters, on the plan adopted by the author in his Vade-mecum of Ottoman colloquial language / By J.W. Redhouse. - London : Bernard Quaritch. v. ; 20 cm..
Comprende: Part 1. : English and Turkish Part 2. : Turkish and English
Codice record: VEA1064706