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Risultati: 1-17 su 17

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Sahagún, Bernardino : de. 2: Book 1 - The gods / translated from the Aztec into English, with notes and illustrations by Arthur J. O. Anderson, Charles E. Dibble. - Santa Fé : The school of American research and the University of Utah, 1970. - 2. ed., rev. 84 p., [5] c. di tav. : ill. ; 29 cm.

Fa parte di:  Florentine codex : general history of the things of New Spain : in thirteen parts

Codice record: VEA0015827

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Sahagún, Bernardino : de. 10: Book 9 - The merchants / translated from the Aztec into English, with notes and illustrations by Charles E. Dibble, Arthur J. O. Anderson. - Santa Fe : The school of American research ; [Salt Lake City] : The University of Utah, 1959. 97 p., [7] c. di tav. : ill. ; 29 cm.

Fa parte di:  Florentine codex : general history of the things of New Spain : in thirteen parts

Codice record: VEA0015866

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Sahagún, Bernardino : de. Historia universal de las cosas de Nueva España : codice laurenziano mediceo palatino 218, 219, 220 / Bernardino da SahagÚn. - [Firenze] : Giunti, [1996]. 3 v. (353, 375, 495 p.) : ill. ; 31 cm.

Codice record: CFI0316578

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Sahagún, Bernardino : de. Historia universal de las cosas de Nueva España : codice laurenziano mediceo palatino 218, 219, 220 [1] / Bernardino da Sahagun. - [Firenze] : Giunti, [1996]. 353 p. : ill. ; 32 cm..

Fa parte di:  Historia universal de las cosas de Nueva España : codice laurenziano mediceo palatino 218, 219, 220

Codice record: VIA0060663

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Sahagún, Bernardino : de. Historia universal de las cosas de Nueva España : codice laurenziano mediceo palatino 218, 219, 220 [2] / Bernardino da Sahagun. - [Firenze] : Giunti, [1996]. 375 p. : ill. ; 32 cm..

Fa parte di:  Historia universal de las cosas de Nueva España : codice laurenziano mediceo palatino 218, 219, 220

Codice record: VIA0060664

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Sahagún, Bernardino : de. Historia universal de las cosas de Nueva España : codice laurenziano mediceo palatino 218, 219, 220 [3] / Bernardino da Sahagun. - [Firenze] : Giunti, [1996]. 495 p. : ill. ; 32 cm..

Fa parte di:  Historia universal de las cosas de Nueva España : codice laurenziano mediceo palatino 218, 219, 220

Codice record: VIA0060665

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Sahagún, Bernardino : de. 3: Book 2 - The ceremonies / translated from the Aztec into English, with notes and illustrations by Arthur J. O. Anderson, Charles E. Dibble. - Santa Fé : The school of American research and the University of Utah, 1981. - 2. ed., rev. 247 p., [6!]c. di tav. : ill. ; 29 cm.

Fa parte di:  Florentine codex : general history of the things of New Spain : in thirteen parts

Codice record: VEA0015830

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Sahagún, Bernardino : de. 13: Book 12 - The conquest of Mexico / translated from the Aztec into English, with notes and illustrations by Arthur J. O. Anderson, Charles E. Dibble. - Santa Fe : The school of American research ; [Salt Lake City] : The University of Utah, 1975. - 2. ed., rev. 126 p., [11] c. di tav. : ill. ; 29 cm.

Fa parte di:  Florentine codex : general history of the things of New Spain : in thirteen parts

Codice record: VEA0015876

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Sahagún, Bernardino : de. 12: Book 11 - Earthly things / translated from the Aztec into English, with notes and illustrations by Charles E. Dibble, Arthur J. O. Anderson. - Santa Fe : The school of American research ; [Salt Lake City] : The University of Utah, 1963. 297 p., [32] c. di tav. : ill. ; 29 cm.

Fa parte di:  Florentine codex : general history of the things of New Spain : in thirteen parts

Codice record: VEA0015870

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Sahagún, Bernardino : de. 9: Book 8 - Kings and lords / translated from the Aztec into English, with notes and illustrations by Arthur J. Anderson, Charles E. Dibble. - ,Santa Fe : The school of American research ; [Salt Lake City] : The University of Utah, ©1954. 89 p., [5] c. di tav. : ill. ; 29 cm.

Fa parte di:  Florentine codex : general history of the things of New Spain : in thirteen parts

Codice record: VEA0015863

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Sahagún, Bernardino : de. 4: Book 3 - The origin of the gods / translated from the Aztec into English, with notes and illustrations by Arthur J. O. Anderson, Charles E. Dibble. - Santa Fé : The school of American research and the University of Utah, 1978. - 2. ed., rev. 70 p., [3] c. di tav. : ill. ; 29 cm.

Fa parte di:  Florentine codex : general history of the things of New Spain : in thirteen parts

Codice record: VEA0015833

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Sahagún, Bernardino : de. 11: Book 10 - The people / translated from the Aztec into English, with notes and illustrations by Charles E. Dibble, Arthur J. O. Anderson. - Santa Fe : The school of American research ; [Salt Lake City] : The University of Utah, 1961. 197 p., [13] c. di tav. : ill. ; 29 cm.

Fa parte di:  Florentine codex : general history of the things of New Spain : in thirteen parts

Codice record: VEA0015868

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Sahagún, Bernardino : de. 7: Book 6 - Rhetoric and moral philosophy / translated from the aztec, with notes and illustrations by Charles E. Dibble, Arthur J. O. Anderson. - Santa Fe : The school of American research ; [Salt Lake City] : The University of Utah, 1969. 260 p., [5] c. di tav. : ill. ; 29 cm.

Fa parte di:  Florentine codex : general history of the things of New Spain : in thirteen parts

Codice record: VEA0015844

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Sahagún, Bernardino : de. 5-6: Book 4 - The soothsayers and Book 5 - The omens / translated from the Aztec into English, with notes and illustrations by Charles E. Dibble, Arthur J. O. Anderson. - Santa Fe : The school of American research ; [Salt Lake City] : The University of Utah, ©1957. 196 p., [11] c. di tav. : ill ; 29 cm.

Fa parte di:  Florentine codex : general history of the things of New Spain : in thirteen parts

Codice record: VEA0015842

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Sahagún, Bernardino : de. 8: Book 7 - The sun, moon, and stars, and the binding of the years : with an appendix consisting of the first five chapters of Book 7 from the Memoriales con escolios / translated from the Aztec into English, with notes and illustrations by Arthur J. O. Anderson, Charles E. Dibble. - Santa Fe : The school of American research ; [Salt Lake City]: The University of Utah, 1953. 81 p., [5] c. di tav. : ill. ; 29 cm.

Fa parte di:  Florentine codex : general history of the things of New Spain : in thirteen parts

Codice record: VEA0015861

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Sahagún, Bernardino : de. Florentine codex : general history of the things of New Spain : in thirteen parts / Fray Bernardino de Sahagún ; translated from the Aztec into English, with notes and illustrations by Arthur J. O. Anderson, Charles E. Dibble. - Santa Fe : The school of American research ; [Salt Lake City] : The University of Utah, [1950]-1982. 12 v.: ill. ; 29 cm. ( Monographs of the School of American research ; 14 )

Codice record: VEA0015746

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Sahagún, Bernardino : de. 1: Introductions and indices : introductions, Sahagun's prologues and interpolations, general bibliography, general indices / by Arthur J. O. Anderson, Charles E. Dibble ; prefacio by Miguel Leon-Portilla. - Santa Fé : The school of American research and the University of Utah, 1982. XV, 137 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.

Fa parte di:  Florentine codex : general history of the things of New Spain : in thirteen parts

Codice record: VEA0015796