Sistema Bibliotecario Provinciale di Rovigo
Raffina la ricerca - Hai eseguito la ricerca con i criteri: Ricerca libera: Browne, Hablot Knight
Monografia moderna
Descrizione: Dickens, Charles [1812-1870]. Little Dorrit / Charles Dickens ; edited by John Holloway ; with 24 of the original illustration by Hablot K. Browne. - Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1985. 912 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.. ( Penguin classics )
Codice record: RAV1075434
Biblioteca scolastica del Liceo Classico "Celio" di Rovigo
XVIII 1 A 23
Ammesso al prestito
Descrizione: Nicholas Nickleby / Charles Dickens ; edited with an introduction by Mark Ford ; original illustrations by Hablot K. Browne (Phiz). - London : Penguin books, 1999. XXXVI, 816 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.. ( Penguin classics )
Codice record: PAL0166860
Descrizione: Dickens, Charles [1812-1870]. Little Dorrit / by Charles Dickens ; with forty illustrations by Phiz. - London : Chapman and Hall ; New York : Henry Frowde, [19..]. 968 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.. ( The Fireside Dickens ; 16 )
Codice record: NAP0108656
Biblioteca del Seminario Vescovile 'S. Pio X'
COLL.ENG.V.1 0003
Non ammesso al prestito
Descrizione: Dickens, Charles [1812-1870]. A tale of two cities / Charles Dickens ; edited with an introduction by George Woodcock ; and illustrations by Hablot K. Browne (Phiz). - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1985. 410 p. ; 18 cm.. ( Penguin classics )
Codice record: UPG0025233
Descrizione: Dickens, Charles [1812-1870]. Martin Chuzzlewit / Charles Dickens ; versione di Bruno Oddera ; incisioni di Phiz. - Milano : Adelphi, 2007. XIX, 1289 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. ( Gli Adelphi ; 317 )
Codice record: UBO3309554
Biblioteca comunale di Adria
823.8 DIC 010
Descrizione: Dickens, Charles [1812-1870]. The old curiosity shop / Charles Dickens ; illustrations by Hablot K. Browne (Phiz) & George Cattermole ; introduction and notes by Peter Preston. - Ware : Wordsworth, c2001. XXX, 570 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. ( Wordsworth classics )
Codice record: E300500005863
Descrizione: Dickens, Charles [1812-1870]. Bleak house / Charles Dickens ; illustrations by H. K. Browne ; introduction and notes by Doreen Roberts. - Ware : Wordsworth, c2001. XXXIV, 760 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. ( Wordsworth classics )
Codice record: E300500022130
Descrizione: Dickens, Charles [1812-1870]. Il circolo Pickwick / Charles Dickens ; a cura di Lodovico Terzi ; incisioni di Seymour e Phiz. - Milano : A. Mondadori, 1971. 2 volumi (XXXIII, 1016 p. complessive) : ill. ; 19 cm. ( Oscar )
Comprende: 1 - Il circolo Pickwick / Charles Dickens ; a cura di Lodovico Terzi ; incisioni di Seymour e Phiz 2 - Il circolo Pickwick / Charles Dickens ; a cura di Lodovico Terzi ; incisioni di Seymour e Phiz
Codice record: UBO0176874
Descrizione: Dickens, Charles [1812-1870]. Bleak House / by Charles Dickens ; with forty illustrations by Phiz. - London : Chapman and Hall ; New York : Henry Frowde, [19..]. 992 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. ( The Fireside Dickens )
Codice record: E300500075907
COLL.ENG.V.1 0007
Descrizione: Dickens, Charles [1812-1870]. Dealings with the firm of Dombey and Son : wholesale, retail, and for exportation / by Charles Dickens ; with forty illustrations by Phiz. - London : Chapman and Hall ; New York : Henry Frowde, [19..]. 1006 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. ( The Fireside Dickens )
Codice record: E300500075919
COLL.ENG.V.1 0013
Descrizione: Dickens, Charles [1812-1870]. The posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club / by Charles Dickens ; with forty-three illustrations by Seymour and Phiz. - London : Chapman and Hall ; New York : Henry Frowde, [19..]. 928 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. ( The Fireside Dickens )
Codice record: E300500075918
COLL.ENG.V.1 0012
Descrizione: Dickens, Charles [1812-1870]. Barnaby Rudge : a tale of the riots of eighty / by Charles Dickens ; with seventy-six illustrations by Cattermole and Phiz. - London : Chapman and Hall ; New York : Henry Frowde, [19..]. 786 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. ( The Fireside Dickens )
Codice record: E300500075911
COLL.ENG.V.1 0008
Descrizione: Dickens, Charles [1812-1870]. The life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby / by Charles Dickens ; with thirty-nine illustrations by Phiz and a portrait of the author. - London : Chapman and Hall ; New York : Henry Frowde, [19..]. 959 p. : ill., ritr. ; 19 cm. ( The Fireside Dickens )
Codice record: E300500075917
COLL.ENG.V.1 0011