Ordina per:
Risultati: 1-15 su 15

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Storia della medicina / prolusioni di Giuseppe Armocida, Elisabeth Bicheno, Brian Fox ; dizionario di Sergio Musitelli. - Milano : Jaca Book, 1993. 396 p., [32] c. di tav. : ill. ; 29 cm.

Fa parte di:  Enciclopedia tematica aperta

Codice record: EC00025623

Film e videoregistrazione

Descrizione:  X-Men : giorni di un futuro passato / a Bryan Singer film ; screenplay by Simon Kinberg ; music by John Ottman ; director of photography Newton Thomas Sigel ; produced by Lauren Schuler Donner ; [with] Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender ... [et al.]. - Milano : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment [distributore], ©2014. 1 DVD-video (126 min) : a colori, PAL.

Codice record: LO11540776

Film e videoregistrazione

Descrizione:  Vittime di guerra / directed by Brian DePalma ; music by Ennio Morricone ; screenplay by David Rabe. - [S. l.] : Columbia tristar home entertainment, 2003. 1 DVD (ca. 109 min.) ; in contenitore, 19 cm.

Codice record: E300500014783

Film e videoregistrazione

Descrizione:  Molto rumore per nulla. - Milano : Twentieth Century Fox Entertainment, [2006?]. 1 DVD (106 min. circa) : col., son. (Dolby Digital 5.1, 2.0) ; in contenitore, 19 cm.

Codice record: EC00123020

Film e videoregistrazione

Descrizione:  Carrie : lo sguardo di Satana / directed by Brian De Palma ; based on the novel by Stephen King ; screenplay by Lawrence D. Cohen. - [Milano] : Twentieth century Fox home entertainment [distributore], 2001. - Edizione speciale. 1 DVD video (94 min.) ; in contenitore, 19 cm. ( MGM DVD )

Codice record: E300500054624

Film e videoregistrazione

Descrizione:  Una vita esagerata / directed by Danny Boyle ; director of photography Brian Tufano ; written by John Hodge. - Milano : Twentieth Century Fox home entertainemnt [distributore], c2006. 1 DVD (ca. 99 min.) ; in contenitore, 19 cm.

Codice record: E300500020049

Film e videoregistrazione

Descrizione:  Cocoon : l'energia dell'universo / [a Ron Howard film ; music composed by James Horner ; director of photography Don Peterman ; screenplay by Tom Benedek]. - Milano : Koch media : Twentieth century Fox home entertainment, ©2011. 1 DVD-Video (circa 112 min.) : color., sonoro.

Codice record: RAV1953025

Film e videoregistrazione

Descrizione:  Storia di una ladra di libri / [con] Geoffrey Rush, Emily Watson, Sophie Nélisse ; [music by John Williams ; director of photography Florian Ballhaus ; based upon the novel by Markus Zusak ; screenplay by Michael Petroni ; directed by Brian Percival]. - Milano : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, ©2014. 1 Blu-ray disc (circa 130 min) : color., sonoro.

Codice record: RAV2099359

Film e videoregistrazione

Descrizione:  X-Men : apocalisse / [a Bryan Singer film ; music by John Ottman ; director of photography Newton Thomas Sigel ; screenplay by Simon Kinberg]. - Milano : Twentieth Century Fox home entertainment, 2016. 1 DVD-Video (circa 138 min) : color., sonoro ;12 cm.

Codice record: RAV2048344

Film e videoregistrazione

Descrizione:  Priscilla, la regina del deserto / written and directed by Stephan Elliott ; music by Guy Gross ; director of photography Brian J. Breheny. - Milano : Twentieth century Fox home entertainment, 2010. 1 DVD video (ca. 99 min) ; in contenitore, 19 cm. ( MGM DVD )

Codice record: E300500069594

Film e videoregistrazione

Descrizione:  L' alba del pianeta delle scimmie / directed by Rupert Wyatt ; music by Patrick Doyle ; director of photography Andrew Lesnie ; written by Rick Jaffa & Amanda Silver. - Milano : Twentieth century Fox home entertainment ; Mondadori [distributore], ©2012. 1 DVD (104 min) : sonoro, color. ; 12 cm.

Codice record: RAV1954842

Film e videoregistrazione

Descrizione:  La giuria / basato sul best seller di John Grisham ; a Gary Fleder film ; music by Christopher Young ; director of photography Robert Elswit ; screenplay by Brian Koppelman & David Lieven. - Milano : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, c2004. 1 DVD-Video (122 min.) : color., sonoro ; 19 cm., in contenitore.

Codice record: UBO2538268

Film e videoregistrazione

Descrizione:  X-Men 1.5 / directed by Bryan Singer ; story by Tom DeSanto & Bryan Singer ; screenplay by David Hayter ; music by Michael Kamen. - Milano : Twentieth Century Fox home entertainment, ©2003. 2 DVD (ca. 100 min.) : sonoro (Dolby digital 5.1 dts), color.

Comprende:  1 - X-Men 1.5 / directed by Bryan Singer ; story by Tom DeSanto & Bryan Singer ; screenplay by David Hayter ; music by Michael Kamen
2 - X-Men 1.5 / directed by Bryan Singer ; story by Tom DeSanto & Bryan Singer ; screenplay by David Hayter ; music by Michael Kamen

Codice record: UBO2829423

Film e videoregistrazione

Descrizione:  X-men / regia di Bryan Singer ; sceneggiatura di David Hayter ; da una storia di Tom DeSanto e Bryan Singer. - [Milano] : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment [distributore], c2001. 1 DVD (ca. 100 min.) : sonoro (Dolby digital 5.1), color.

Codice record: USS0015995