Sistema Bibliotecario Provinciale di Rovigo
Raffina la ricerca - Hai eseguito la ricerca con i criteri: Ricerca libera: Lewis, Day C.
Monografia moderna
Descrizione: Dickens, Charles [1812-1870]. The mystery of Edwin Drood / Charles Dickens ; with an introduction by C. Day Lewis ; an essay by Edmund Wilson and other informative appendices. - London [etc.] : Collins, 1956. 351 p. 19 cm.
Codice record: AC0024614
Biblioteca dell'Accademia dei Concordi di Rovigo
Conc. I.43.2.15 01
Non ammesso al prestito
Film e videoregistrazione
Descrizione: Nel nome del padre [videoregistrazione] / prodotto e diretto da Jim Sheridan. - [S.l.] : C.I.C. Video, 1994. 1 videocassetta (VHS) (ca. 127 min.) : color., son..
Codice record: EC00038480
Biblioteca comunale di Bergantino "Fermo e Giuseppe Bellini"
791 SHE 01
Ammesso al prestito
Musica a stampa
Descrizione: Purcell, Henry. The works of Henry Purcell. - London : Novello, Ewer & Co. v. ; 40 cm.
Comprende: 31: Fantazias and miscellaneous instrumental music 14: Sacred music, part 2 13. Sacred music. 1, Eight early anthems 10. Three odes for st. Cecilia's day 1. The Yorkshire Feast song : an ode composed in the year 1689 2. Timon of Athens 3. Dido and Aeneas 4. A song for the duke of Gloucesterʼs birthday, 1965 5. Twelve sonatas of three parts 6. Harpsichord music and organ music 7. Ten sonatas of four parts 8. Ode on St. Cecilia's day : 1692 9. Dioclesian 11. Birthday odes for Queen Mary. Part 1. 12. The Fairy Queen 14. Sacred music : Part 2 14: Sacred music. Part 2: Nine anthems with strings 15: Royal welcome songs. Part 1 15. Welcome songs : Part 1. 16: Dramatic music: vocal and instrumental music for the stage 17. Sacred music Part 3. : Seven anthems with strings 18. Welcome songs : Part 2. 18: Royal welcome songs. Part 2 19. The Indian queen 20. Dramatic music : Part 2. : songs and instrumentalmusic for the stage 21. Dramatic music : Part 3. 22. Catches, Rounds, Two-Part and Three-Part songs 23. Services 24. Birthday odes for Queen Mary. Part 2. 25. Secular songs for solo voice 26. King Arthur 27. Miscellaneous odes and cantatas 28. Sacred Music : Part 4. : Anthems 29. Sacred music : Part 5. : Anthems 30. Sacred music : Part 6. : Songs and vocal ensemble music 31. Fantazias and other instrumental music 32. Sacred music : Part 7. : Anthems and miscellaneous church music 22A: Catches Duets, dialogues and trios
Codice record: LO10446436