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Risultati: 1-15 su 15

Musica a stampa

Descrizione:  Leupold, Wayne. The Church organist's Library : easy Organ music from all historical periods for manuals only and for manuals and pedal / compiled and edited by Wayne Leupold. - Miami : Belwill, 1983-1985. 3 v. ; 30 cm.

Comprende:  1 : Music for general use
2 : Music for general use
3 : Music for Advent and Christmas

Codice record: ROV0005300

Musica a stampa

Descrizione:  De Chiara, Ghigo. Una nebbia c'è ; Questo è l'amore / parole di Ghigo De Chiara ; musica di Bruno Nicolai. - Roma : General Music, 1965. 3 parti ; 25 cm.

Codice record: ROV0002909

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Londeix, Jean Marie. 125 ans de musique pour saxophone : Répértoire général des oeuvres e des ouvrages d'enseignement pour le saxophone / Jean-Marie Londeix. - Paris ; Leduc, c1971. 398 p.; 22 cm..

Codice record: SIP0400025

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Carlin, Richard. XiAngcUn yInyuè = Country music / Richard Carlin. - Shanghai : Renmin chubanshe, 2022. 195 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. ( Oxford Musical Humanities General Translation Series : Chinese edition )

Codice record: ROV0008929

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Slobin, Mark. MínjiAn yInyuè = Folk Music / Mark Slobin. - Shanghai : Renmin chubanshe, 2022. 157 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. ( Oxford Musical Humanities General Translation Series : Chinese edition )

Codice record: ROV0008930

Musica a stampa

Descrizione:  Leupold, Wayne. The Church organist's Library : easy Organ music from all historical periods for manuals only and for manuals and pedal 1 : Music for general use. - Miami : Belwill, 1983. 96 p. ; 30 cm.

Fa parte di:  The Church organist's Library : easy Organ music from all historical periods for manuals only and for manuals and pedal

Codice record: ROV0005301

Musica a stampa

Descrizione:  Leupold, Wayne. The Church organist's Library : easy Organ music from all historical periods for manuals only and for manuals and pedal 2 : Music for general use. - Miami : Belwill, 1985. 96 p. ; 30 cm.

Fa parte di:  The Church organist's Library : easy Organ music from all historical periods for manuals only and for manuals and pedal

Codice record: ROV0005302

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Kelly, Thomas Forrest. ZAoqí yInyuè = Early music / Thomas Forrest Kelly. - Shanghai : Renmin chubanshe, 2023. 146 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. ( Oxford Musical Humanities General Translation Series : Chinese edition )

Codice record: ROV0008896

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Hellmuth Margulis, Elizabeth. YInyuè xInlI xué = Psychology of music / Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis. - Shanghai : Renmin chubanshe, 2023. 153 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. ( Oxford Musical Humanities General Translation Series : Chinese edition )

Codice record: ROV0008928

Musica a stampa

Descrizione:  Czerny, Carl. Fantasia concertante : für Klavier, Flöte und Violoncello, op. 256 / Carl Czerny ; bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Dieter H. Förster. - Zürich : Kunzelmann, c1975. 1 partitura (34 p.) ; 31 cm + 2 parti.. ( General music series ; 206 )

Codice record: MOD1485747

Monografia moderna

Descrizione:  Music and dictatorship in Europe and Latin America / edited by Roberto Illiano and Massimiliano Sala. - Turnhout : Brepols, 2009. XIV, 767 p. : mus. ; 27 cm. ( Speculum musicae ; 14 )

Comprende:  La parabola di Renzo Massarani, compositore ebreo nell'ombra del fascismo

Codice record: MO10022910

Musica a stampa

Descrizione:  Bach, Johann Christian. 1 : Favourite songs sung at Vauxhall Gardens / Johann Christian Bach ; introduction by Stephen Roe ; general introduction to the Pleasure Gardens by Christopher Hogwood. - Tunbridge Wells : Richard Macnutt, 1985. 1 partitura (XXI, paginazione varia) ; 36 cm.

Fa parte di:  [6]: Music of the pleasure gardens

Codice record: RML0154515

Musica a stampa

Descrizione:  Ives, Charles [1874-1954]. Nineteen Songs / by Charles Ives. - Bryn Mawr : Merion Music, Inc., c1935. 51 p. ; 28 cm.

Codice record: TO00389361

Musica a stampa

Descrizione:  Byrd, William [circa 1540-1623]. The Byrd edition / general editor Philip Brett. - London : Stainer & Bell ; New York : Galaxy music, 1977-. v. ; 26 cm.

Comprende:  1: Cantiones sacrae (1575)
3: Cantiones sacrae (1591)
4: The masses (1592-1595)
5: Gradualia 1. (1605) : The Marian masses
8: Latin motets 1. : from manuscript sources
9: Latin motets 2. : from manuscript sources
11: The English anthems
12. Psalmes, sonets and songs (1588)
13: Songs of sundrie natures (1589)
14. Psalmes, songs, and sonnets (1611)
15. Consort songs for voice & viols
16. Madrigals, songs and canons
17. Consort music
6a: Gradualia 1. (1605) : All Saints and Corpus Christi with hymns to the Blessed Sacrament and other motets
6b: Gradualia 1. (1605) : other feasts and devotions
7a: Gradualia 2. (1607) : Christmas to Easter
10a: The english services
10b: The english services 2. (The great service)
12: Psalmes, sonets and songs (1588)
7b: Gradualia 2. (1607) : Ascension, Pentecost and the feasts of saints Peter and Paul
2: Cantiones sacrae (1589)
1: Cantiones sacrae (1575)

Codice record: TO00138944